A unique science experience!

From the moment you are born until you reach the point of reading and understanding what you see now, so much has happened... Questions and phenomena that we later take for granted having forgotten to wonder.
Each visit is a unique experience of exploring physics experiments and more. The experiments are divided into four thematics, based on four of our senses: touch, balance, hearing and sight. Due to the large number of experiments, the visits follow paths each of them including selected experiments, in such a way that we explore a bit of each sense.
Each experiment is an experience awaiting to take you on a journey into the magic of exploration. An opportunity to ponder on the principles and phenomena of everyday life but also on how the world and our perception work.

Set your curiosity free
Paths' start times:
Saturday 9:00-11:00, 11:00-13:00, 17:00-19:00 and 19:00-21:00
The duration of each path is 2 hours.
Paths' tickets:
Older children (17 to 97 years): €10
Young children (6 to 16 years): €8
Children up to 5 years: Free
Minimum cost per booking: €18
Family ticket (includes 2 adults and 2 children): €30. Each additional child: €6
For your best service, due to limited spots on each path, you need to make a reservation.
School visits:
Monday to Friday. Please contact us for more details.