For most it is considered a sign of weakness when someone is not firm in their opinions. It takes courage to change opinions when we encounter evidence that challenges them instead of sticking to them. If one's views of the world have not changed over the course of one's life, then one has either been miraculously blessed with unspeakable wisdom, or one has learned nothing.
Hewitt, P.
During our many years of teaching experience, the supremacy of the discovery process when communicated in an experiential way has been constantly established. That's why we created scisense without walls, so you can get your hands on exactly what you're studying and experiment with it. To personally "converse" with the phenomenon and to search for the hidden principles yourself.
Among the imperfect animals, man is the only one who is not only interested in his actions but also in himself as the object of his contemplation.
Freire, P.
We aspire to ignite your curiosity and inspire new questions. Happy Exploring!